Ever walk out in the garden and get frustrated? That was me today as I was outside working on bits and pieces here and there. I had to pull out two dead Jacarandas and then I replaced them with two Mandarin orange bushes. Little by little the fruit garden is coming along. However, as I was carefully taking one of the Mandarin bushes out of the container, the roots all fell out and I had to carefully try and place them into the ground. I'm crossing my fingers that the plant will be okay. If not, I have the plastic container and receipt.
Look at this garden!!! Can you believe that this is my headling pic for the blog? It has filled in somewhat, but I had to trim the Cereus and Jacaranda down and all of it shows new growth. |
As I move over to the fern garden, I see my basil is coming up nicely and I fertilize the bamboo. The trees are all swaying in the wind and I'm enjoying the breeze until I see that the VERY top of my Euc has a bare branch. Being OCD, I stare at it for several minutes. I grab my binoculars, research info on the internet, and take a chair with a very long pole to examine where the tip of the tree goes bare. I'm still just wondering if the leaves will come back as there are many branches with new growth. Essentially I want all traces of winter gone from the garden NOW!

For the good news, I see fresh fruit on the apricot, peach, fig, tangelo and mulberry trees. The persimmons is about to flower. In fact, I ate several of the mulberries and was very thankful that we have fruit trees all around us. I looked at the whiskey barrels and saw beautiful flowers on the cacti. My castor beans are coming back as are the older bougainvillea. My only remaining sacred Jacaranda is very green and lush(only half the tree survived). BUT for every several steps forward, we take one backwards! An interesting thing in the bougainvillea world happened. The freeze killed all the first year regular looking bougainvillea in the sun garden YET the Torchglow variety all survived. And what about all of those elephant ears I planted last year? I believe May will reveal whether the bulbs survived or not. I've got so much more work to do! I have one whole side of bamboo garden to put in while on another, I've still got to do the citrus garden. One thing at a time....I know. It just is overwhelming sometimes. So do you ever look at your garden and get frustrated?
The beginnings of my succulent garden. |
From one perfectionist to another, I can tell you that my garden frustrates me all the time! lol
ReplyDeleteI never seem to have the money to do with it what I want. What I am able to do with it, never seems right.
So I just have to tell myself to relax, and that it looks good no matter what I do to it lol. When I look at my neighbour's yards, mine is by far the most visually pleasing. :)
Wow! Your banner looks gorgeous! I hope that the
ReplyDeleteMandarin bushes will be okay.
Love succulents! My garden is ugly because we have many hungry ants all around. But the ants fortunatelly don't like to eat succulents.
Have a nice Sunday.