Sunday, January 8, 2012

Time to Leave the Nest?

Hello there gardening friends and nature enthusiasts,

So lately I've been writing about the new wildlife in my yard and I thought I'd share with you a hummingbird nest I found on the property.  There have been lots of little nests over the years and this year we've had several families raise young hatchlings.  They are absolutely adorable.   You may have never seen a hummingbird nest or know what it looks like.  Well, from the El Presidio forest, here is what you'll find on the property:) 
I've placed feeders up around the property and switch out the feeders once a week. Here is a previous post on how to set something like this up in your own yard.

We are extremely lucky to have these beautiful little birds around....and even better.....feel like they can call the garden home to raise their new hatchlings in a safe environment.  Remember, it's all about choosing the best hummingbird plants and providing some food.....and you'll be on your way to making your own backyard a safe haven for hummers.
They're one of my favorite things to see fly around my windows.  Tucson is home to many varieties of birds with the hummingbird being numerous in populaton.
Hummers make a great addition to the garden.  More tomorrow.....


  1. very sweet birds those hummers, I don't think we have them here. big contrast with the majestic birds of prey your last post was about. Congrats that so many hummers call your garden home.

  2. These are so amazing...such variety!!! I love seeing them when we go on vacations at state parks that have feeders right outside windows...I love to just watch them hover!!!

  3. It's a special treat to find a hummingbird nest and even more special to see babies!

  4. They are so cute, good photos. I have not seen a hummingbird nest here so now I know what it looks like. Here they seem to nest in the oak trees and I think it must be up high. The nest is probably tiny as well.

  5. i've never seen a hummingbird nest in person, but a blogger friend in California posted pics of a nest she found, too. just amazing creatures!

  6. Hope everyone is having a lovely day wherever you may be. I've found nest in plants like our oak trees where they are high up, in bamboo, xylosma, privet....and what's interesing is that they are always located in a thicket of branches or leaves. The babies are so small that when they hover above their nests, they look like little bugs. In spring I hope to get some shots from the second story into the oak trees because they are absolutely adorable.

  7. I have a lot of hummers in the summer but have never seen nests. It's always funny to watch one teeny hummer try to dominate every hummer-friendly plant in the garden. I think they spend more time chasing each other than they do feeding. Great photos!!

  8. Hi Chris! Lovely to meet you and thank you for electing to follow Driftwood Ramblings. As a lover of all garden visitors, I am delighted to discover our common interest. We don't get hummingbirds in SA. Our sunbirds are the closest cousins, I'd guess. We had a pair nesting in a bottlebrush outside our bathroom window this past year and it was our first sighting of a nest.

  9. Niestety u nas nie ma tych ślicznych i malutkich ptaszków, dlatego dziękuję, że mogłam na nie popatrzeć :-). Pozdrawiam.

    Unfortunately, we do not have these cute and tiny birds, so thank you, that I could not look at :-). Yours.

  10. U mnie po prawej stronie pod "moim pieskiem" jest TŁUMACZ. Trzeba tam wybrać odpowiedni język i powinna zostać treść postu przetłumaczona :-). Dziękuję jednocześnie za bardzo miły komentarz u mnie. Pozdrawiam.

    With me on the right side under "my dog" is a TRANSLATOR. We must there select the appropriate language and content must be translated post :-). I hope that works. Thank you also for the very nice comment for me. Yours.

  11. Wow, what photographs! With new lens? Amazing!

    1. Oh Brenda, it gets better. This is one of the new lenses....the other one will be used this weekend. I have several photo shoots coming up on Wisconsin and other places that I'm really excited about...the pictures are fantastic. But it's not that they look great....but that I'm really getting better utilizing the functions and catching the angles with the camera....AND I'm getting better spotting wildlife. I think this has been the biggest achievement for me(the animal/bird tracking). So I'm hoping the readers will enjoy the magic.

  12. Ah, yes, we enjoy the magic! And your new results! Good luck with weekend photo shooting - several of us will be awaiting the results.


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