Friday, June 15, 2012

The Future Tense

I gotta say that I never know what's coming on a daily basis with this blog.  But this time, I know that I have a special week long post on pics and writing based around the 2012 Phoenix Comicon.  Everyday I'll take you through our extremely fun journey at the Con.  One of the posts is rather personal, but I hope it sheds some light on why I value this event every year in Phoenix.  But let's get you ready for some things that you need to know about any SyFy con.  It's a bit different from birding and yet it still requires a lot of patience.  Why?  Come on, I'll tell you everything you need to know:)
The pic above is an example of what you'll see.  I don't know what the gas masks are for but I can only imagine.  I went with 3 other people....2 were newbies.  There was one man going down an escalator sweating!  He was a larger man and barely able to walk.....and smelled as if he had never taken a shower.  My not-so-savvy brother's friend inappropriately asks a question on this forever moving escalator, "Dude!  What's that nasty smell?!"  The larger man turns around and smiles.  He says, "It's Con Sweat!"  Gross.  Nasty.  I don't know.  I plug my nose and keep my mouth shut.  My brother and friend have a good laugh with the other guy.  Afterall I do bird at the Sweetwater Treatment plant and there are days that I don't always smell the best after that little hike:) It's a little different's not my sweat that makes me smell but the sewage:)  But it still smells the same.  So perhaps this man wears a gas mask because of the "Con Sweat."
But check out some of these outfits people put together!!!  It's called "Cosplay".  They act like the character they portray all day long.  Thousands of people ask for their pictures and leave satisfied by the excellent costumes. People dress up for attention, but they also do it because it entertains crowds.  You should see the little kids faces as Batman takes a pic with them.  It makes me smile.  Little geeks in the making.  I also discovered that you have to create your own outfits for Cosplay or they won't count.  So you can't purchase an outfit from a retailer.  But I suspect that there are people who do;)  Look closely and you'll see that this Iron Man outfit was put together with cardboard.   Really well done.
And of course there are the long lines to get into the halls and presentations.  Here is a pic of The Big Bang Theory's Wil Wheaton.  Rooms are full to the max.....usually pretty warm from all the body heat.  Again like waiting for the Lazuli Bunting or Elegant Trogon, this famous bird was worth the wait:)
But there are days that you feel like this "thing" above.  Thousands of people who are socially awkward and a can get to you after 4 days.  I took this shot from the floor exhausted after the constant walking through the heavy traffic.  Bring good walking shoes.
But then you get to meet people like Reading Rainbow's LeVar Burton who inspired many of us to read at an early age.  You know that song....."Butterfly in the skyyyyyy!  I can fly twice as hiiiigh.  Just take a look.  It's in a book.  On Reading Rainbow....." And it was moving to see what an affect this actor had on so many people.  Some were in tears thanking him for such a beautiful childhood memory. 
And then there is me....HUGE Star Trek fan.  Here are some amazing Romulans from the original series.  Incredible outfits.  Yeah it's pretty exciting.  These Romulans were nice people.
But at the end of the day, especially for newbies like my younger brother, Comicons can be exhausting.  We let him sleep and snuck off at 6 AM to get our days going.  Schedule schedule schedule.....especially at the San Diego Comicon in July!!!  It's not for the weak of heart.  
And look at who else I invited to the party.....King Tuzigoot!!!  He's walking with his friend Slimer.  I have some treats for you all coming up in about a week.  But I thought I'd give you a taste of what's to come.  I hope I don't disappoint. Don't know the Reading Rainbow song? I have it for you below. More tomorrow.....


  1. This is Greek to me. But if you had fun, so be it.

  2. I am more than ready to follow your adventures... and "Readin rainbow" was one of our children's favorite series of course.

  3. Whuttttt??? And I missed it? I'm not much into, that but I'd have gone in a minute for the blog fodder. Looks like it was fun!

  4. ha ha ..... you sure live life Chris.....good for you....
    and there were some strange birds there
    keep having fun....I can't wait to read more

  5. i can only imagine how fans can be... :)

  6. looks like fun! i'm a sci-fi fan but have never been to one of these...

    we just watched a pretty silly movie last week about a couple of sci-fi freaks...called Paul, and i'm pretty sure that's where they Comi con...

  7. I appreciate anyone who is passionate about something. It's hard not to get caught up in their enthusiasm. "Live long and prosper."

  8. Greek away, perhaps we'll pick it up as you take us along?

  9. They sure do get into the spirit of this event. Looks like a lot of fun. Awesome pics.

  10. Hi Chris, Star Trek fans LOVE these kinds of get-togethers... I'm sure they are alot of fun!!!! I've never been much of a sci-fi fan ---but remember, I'm OLD... My sons would love something like this!!!! Sounds like you are having a fabulous summer so far. Isn't it just great to have LOTS of interests and passions????

  11. Looks like a real fun event Chris - love all the photos and your encounter with the man with "Con Sweat" was really amusing :). I love the Reading Rainbow song - its delightful. Look forward to more posts on this event - I'll show my son too as he's a real Sci fi fan.

  12. For SyFy fans, I am sure this was a great time. My hubby loves Star Trek. But, I can not see him dressing up in costumes. Have a great weekend.


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