Prairie Warbler is super rare to the state of AZ. Currently, it's been showing well at Saguaro Lake near Phoenix, AZ. State bird! |
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During a rain event, we targeted the grasslands for a Short-eared Owl and we got our sights on TWO! They are difficult birds for Arizona. Another state bird and Arizona nemesis NO MORE! |
Arizona Song Sparrow has unique rufousy tones when compared to the other subspecies of Song Sparrow |
It's not a Louisiana Waterthrush. That's rare.
I finally have excellent views of a beautiful Louisiana Waterthrush |
A Hermit Thrush is up there with a Ladder-backed Woodpecker(at least in AZ). It's one of our most common birds found around the state.
Ladder-backed Woodpecker |
An American Bittern holds still in the reeds at Sweetwater Wetlands. |
A Pied-billed Grebe out of water |
Rufous-winged Sparrow at my work site |
A rare wintering Red-breasted Nuthatch at Reid Park in Tucson |
A wintering Zone-tailed Hawk hangs out at Reid Park in Tucson |
A Northern Parula |
A male Gila Woodpecker feeds from pecans |
The Desert Cardinal or Pyrrhuloxia |
Rufous-backed Robin |
A Prairie Falcon |
A Hermit Thrush NOT in Tempe |