Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mi Jardín Es Su Jardín

While we were in Boquete, I had the opportunity to visit an artsy garden.  There are several in the area, but this one looked like a lot of fun.  So we dropped by and enjoyed all the unique statues.  It was a nice cool morning stroll around the property.  And how about this?  The entrance fee is free!! 
Plants, shrubs and people love Boquete's lovely climate. Flower cultivation is a local industry.
Spread over 12 acres, Mi Jardín Es Su Jardín is a riot of color and scents. It's a private garden open to the public.
People who admire ferns, azaleas, impatiens, hibiscus, roses and geraniums will love this garden as it is set in a semi-formal fashion.
Strange looking flamingos, cows, and cut-out human figurines are among the eclectic oddities.
If you love birds, keep your eyes open for a number of hummingbirds.  This garden will not disappoint.  Until tomorrow......


  1. Chris, I really do enjoy your pictures and blog. thanks for taking time to post!

  2. Simply amazing - they did have fun with color and contrast, yet without colored hardscape. Is that area of Boquete higher in elevation? (I may have missed a past post on that)

  3. Oops! I accidentally put this write before the Boquete entry. This was our final stretch and it was more of a vacation for me. It's at a much higher elevation and the temps are very cool and actually comfortable. We spent a week here and some days I just read with my coffee in the rain.

  4. T-thanks for reading!! It's really a lot of fun putting these together.

  5. It reminds me of the "cows on parade" exhibit...
    Nice and fun.

  6. What a beautiful garden! And that colorful cow is so pretty. How nice that is open to the public for free!


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