Saturday, July 16, 2016

Nature's Little Surprises

Blue-winged Warbler-a pair came out of the grasses towards us at Mill Bluff in Portage County
Sometimes you never know when something amazing will happen.  I think that's one of the best parts of birding anywhere at anytime.  When you go to a place without expectations and find something wonderful, it really enriches the entire birding experience. 

Brown Thrasher-a pair is feeding a nest. These birds are often difficult for pictures
They can be life birds, old birds or birds you never had great views of the first time you saw them.  It's finding that secret forest in a new place. Or discovering a new little spot full of birds. 

Red-winged Blackbird
It's the joy that comes from exploration. 

Common Ringlet

It's the joy that comes from, "Oh my gosh, isn't that cute?!"

Red Squirrel
Or it's that shocking moment when an American Bittern suddenly flushes from the reeds! I don't get to see that often!

American Bittern 
It takes but a moment........

......before the bird returns back into the vegetation and completely disappears. 

Each day.  Each place.  Each experience holds something new.  If you are open to it, you'll find it.

Red-headed Woodpecker
Life is truly an adventure.  Until next time....


  1. Lovely post with wonderful photos. Even if you miss your target species there is always something special to see when out looking for wildlife :)

  2. What a beautiful post, Chris! There is truly wonder and joy everywhere one looks.


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