Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A New Visitor

 Here's my story.  So the bird feeder.  Everyday I have the same visitors stop by.  We all know each other very well....there are my House Finch friends, Costa and Anna Hummingbird friends, Sparrow friends, Morning Dove friends, Thrasher friends.....okay let's just say I'm popular. :)
 I feel like at times I'm being used and that they just take me for granted.  Squatters really. Ooooh if they only knew the money and food that goes out to them!  Every morning, my friend in this pic waits for me.  Sitting on the branch at around 6 in the morning, we both have a conversation face to face.
My early morning departure before school starts.
You see...they're starting a family here at El Presidio.  The nest is already built. And again they need my support! And like an enabler, I'll do it because I can't say, "No."
 So I've gotten used to their "talking" and "screaming" at me around the garden.  Until I noticed my very OCD hummingbirds "spilling" juice on the ground.  Did they go mad?  Saturday morning, I drink my coffee.  Sit by my bird window. And hear a new song in my garden.  I look out the window and discover the culprit.....
 I grab my camera and get shots of the hummingbird and newbie on the feeder to discover that my memory card isn't in the camera!!!!  Quickly I grab the card out of the computer and miss the two sharing the feeder!  Bummer.  BUT I did get a shot of our new visitor.  And it brings a smile to my face.  Welcome little buddy.  PS.  Be aware of the feral cats and hawks in the area.  There is one freaky orange cat especially that can jump faster than you can fly. But he spooks rather easily.  My hummingbird friend is good at chasing him off.
A Verdin.  Today a Verdin stopped by my garden patch.  And I feel lucky.

PS.  To Warren, Bob, and all of my other birding friends across the ocean, I discovered today that we also have a variety of Tit that I am so envious of in your area.  And it's this little guy above. They are the only member of the Penduline-tit Family (Remizidae) found here in North America!  How cool is that?!  Apparently they have a fondness for sweets which include hummingbird feeders:) And a side note to myself...I need to clean my windows.

And speaking of new visitors, here is a shot of Momma Owl whooo I reported on this past Friday.  Apparently she has been nesting here for 3 years and has raised an owlet or two every year.  I wish her the best as she nests here in these dangerous lands.  The wildlife refuges can't do anything about this.  The nest is protected federally and I was reminded to remind others of this.  However we are a school of over 2000 people and several people believe it's best that things be kept quiet.  But there are others of us who will be watching.....carefully.


  1. How lucky you are to have all these wonderful friends stopping by. I love the hummers. And WOW, your Verdin is beautiful. I hope the owl and owlets are protected, cute shot. Have a great day!

  2. Great photos. It's always interesting the birds of prey that choose sites like that too.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. Wonderful pictures Chris...... good work.

    Greetings, Joop

  4. Great news on the humming bird nest and the new visitor to your feeder.

    Love the owl photo - fingers crossed the nesting attempt is successful. Please keep us posted!

  5. I think the verdin is one cheerful looking bird with its sunny yellow face and of course hummers are fun to watch too. I hear owls at night, but never find them during the day. Hopefully Momma Owl will be safe.

  6. that little verdin is very cute! spills and all!

  7. I love the Verdins in my yard. I call them and all the other quick, small birds "pippy birds". As you can see, I love to watch them and listen to them, but I am not a dedicated "birder". :) Glad that momma owl has been successful in that location in the past and I'm wishing her well this time around.

  8. Oh how lovely! What a cute bird the Verdin is.

  9. Dobrze, że nie straciłaś głowy i włożyłaś szybko kartę, bo masz piękne zdjęcia. Sowa w miejscu w którym jest, ma zabawne zdjęcie. Pozdrawiam.*** Well, that did not lost your head and you put the card quickly, because you have beautiful photos. Owl in a place where he is, has a funny picture. Yours.

  10. I love Verdins. Great shot Chris; it's pretty cool to have them now frequenting your house.

  11. Your garden feeders are a real hit Chris, like mine!!

    I had the same feeling as you today - a new garden visitor ( well new to this year!) Great isn't it !!

  12. Nice verdin pic, not to mention that owl! Mourning and white-wing doves cooing and exploring the area, and quite a few house finches...so things getting more active here, too. Wish we had verdins...so pretty!

  13. That Verdin is a smart looking little bird.

  14. Great, darling shot of that Mama owl! And your new visitor is so cute and exciting! I can't wait for the return of the hummers here in MN.

  15. Love the owl picture! I've never seen a Verdin before, he is pretty.

  16. Another Great "Chris Birdie Post"... I always love seeing the little hummingbirds --but seeing the Verdin is awesome. I can only imagine how excited you were. What a Cutie!!!! Thanks for sharing.

  17. Great post!
    Love to see the hummingbirds, the verdin and of course mama owl.
    Thanks for sharing.

  18. Lovely visitor, I've never seen a verdin in our area, gotta put out the feeders soon.

  19. All the cool birds gravitate to you. Word travels fast in bird circles, I guess!


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