Thursday, December 15, 2011

Holiday Rush

This set of abstract pics is called, "Holiday Rush".  During this time of year, we sometimes forget to slow down and enjoy all that the season has to offer.
 It's also during this time of year when things get crazy.  There are parties, concerts, flights, decorations, shopping. 
These shots taken in the El Presidio Garden
At the end of it all, everything becomes a blur and we sometimes miss out on what's important....our family and friends.  As for your garden, these shots were taken from my garden after installing solar lights on my pine tree.  The solar lights get better every year and I have had great success with them.  The best part.  No electricity outlet needed.


  1. What amazing images these are, and I truly enjoyed reading this post.
    Thank you!

  2. Wow Chris, i love them, i wonder how many shots did you experiment before getting these! Sometimes this is also my pastime at my window at night, however the lights are not as colorful because they are street lights. Yours are very beautifully executed. I know that first one is difficult to maneuver! LOL.

  3. Thank you! These were fun to take. You have to think about which way you want to move the camera before snapping the shot:) I took a few:) to make sure certain colors crossed:)

  4. I cannot even begin to tell you how cool I think this is. Not only that but I had no idea you could get solar Holiday lights. Duh!

  5. Well it has been kind of tricky, but every year they are getting better and better. Target had this set of lights for 20 and they have been performing well in the garden. I have decided that I will not order anymore solar lights online. They don't always work, but Target has been good for me. Wal-Mart is still working the holiday solar light thing. Lowe's has some really cool selections.


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