Wednesday, March 27, 2013

300 Lifebirds

Greetings all,

Today was a big day for me as I hit 300 lifebirds!  I know I know.  "That's it?", you're all saying:)  Yes.  10, 000 birds out there and only 9,700 +some to go:) But with my work ethic and OCD nature, those numbers will go up. It's not as easy as it sounds:) I began truly birding just a year and a half ago.  And I only began serious birding when I met Kathie Brown.  So I blame it all on her:)   So today, I thought, I'd take you on a brief countdown from the EBIRD list of birds I've seen and photographed during my travels.  It was fun revisiting all of these shots.  So here we go.....

25-Lesser Kiskadee.  At number 25, I found this bird in Panama City on the Amador Causeway.  I thought the tree leaves and bird were perfect together and took the pic.

50-Mallard Ducks.  Invasive for some countries and seen everywhere, the Mallard is well known around the world.  This shot was taken at Bay Beach State Park near Green Bay, Wisconsin.

75-Red-tailed Hawk.  The pride of the Desert Southwest.  The Red-tail Hawk is a beauty.  Here he stares down a punk Loggerhead Shrike.  They had issues on this day.  At Box Canyon near Green Valley, AZ

100-Black-throated Sparrow.  Many say this bird is handsome.  I think they're correct:) Taken at Saguaro National Park, Rincon Unit, Tucson, AZ

125-Mexican Jay.  We all have Jays in our lives and at our feeders.  The Mexican Jay is the Jay that I see on every outing in Pima County.  We both speak Spanish and have a good relationship.  Thankfully, there aren't any issues with Border Patrol and this bird.  Gracias a Dios! Madera Canyon, AZ

150-Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher.  Truly a catch.  This bird is sought after by everyone in the US.  Arizona is its' northern most range.  Here the bird nests at Ramsey Canyon.

175-Plain-Capped Starthroat.  This bird taught me the thrill and anxiety of the "chase".  It was my first bird that I couldn't let go.  I lost many nights of sleep pursuing this rare Mexican migrant.  During one day with people from around the US, this bird came to the feeder and allowed me some much needed R&R....and relief from the chigger bites.  Ash Canyon B&B in the Huachuca Mountains

200-Belted Kingfisher.  I love Kingfishers.  They are one of my favorite birds to see in the wild.  Taken at Sam Lena Park in Tucson, AZ

225-Western Meadowlark. The beautiful song of the Meadowlark makes people smile ear to ear.  Near Sandario Road

250-American Pipit.  While maybe not an exciting bird for many people, it sure makes looking at a farmer's field more interesting.  Santa Cruz Flats near Picacho Peak, AZ

275-Hepatic Tanager-Who doesn't like Tanagers?  Whitehouse Picnic Area, Madera Canyon.  Now drum rolls please........who is number 300????

300-Swainson's Hawk!!!!!  Today on the way to work, I saw one on the telephone pole!  The picture above was taken at the Renaissance Faire for up close study and detailed shots.  For every hundred gained is a celebration earned.  More soon.....


  1. You might have 301 and not know it. Take a look at my recent comment on your photo ID question on the Gray Flycatcher on FB. By the way, Congrats on 300!

    1. Thank you Gordon! I think it's just 300 for now. After all has been said, I do believe it's a Bell's Vireo. I have only seen this bird once or twice with other people. The good thing is that I finally got a shot of the bird. Before it was heard and I can study it better so I can ID out in the field. I knew there was something different about that bird:)

  2. Way to go! That's a wonderful number. Unlike most, you also have those gorgeous photos as memories. Congratulations from one birder to another!

    1. Hi David!! I have to have the photos:) Not that it's required but the photos trigger the memories and I love that about the experience. Each bird brings something new to the observations.

      PS. I'm still gardening and landscaping. Right now, we are getting ready for clean up at our property. Oh the leaves off the live oaks.....:)

  3. Congrats on your 300 life birds, Chris! The Swainson's hawk is gorgeous! Happy Birding!

  4. Chris, congratulations. Still a few to find then.

    1. Thank you! I look forward to those journeys:) Birds take us to the strangest places:)

  5. The Flycatcher is my favorite of yours for today.
    Congratulations on your achivement.

  6. Congratulations on reaching the 300 :) Brilliant achievement especially considering you haven't been birding seriously for very long!! Some lovely photos Chris as always. Here's to the next 100 :)

    1. Maybe 400 will happen over yonder in your part of the world:) It's fun work finding all of these birds. Some really incredible adventures happen while on the pursuit!

  7. Replies
    1. Isn't he BLUE??!! I love the Jay family. They all have such beautiful colors ranging from greens to all kinds of blues.

  8. yay for 300! awesome for you. i LOVE that black-throated sparrow! completely enamored by him!

    1. He is a handsome devil:) 300 is just a number. But spotting the birds is epic.

  9. Well, I happen to think 300 birds is a LOT! I have only 186 birds on my list even though I have been birding almost as long as you have. Of course, I don't have Katie Brown helping me out. :))

    1. Hey, if you were here, I think we'd make an awesome team. Birding with another person certainly has its advantages. Soon I will be going alone again to find more. I'd love to put my birding buddy in my pocket wherever I go and share in the fun. So whenever we can bird together, I enjoy the time spent looking for the birds:)

  10. Congratulations on reaching that milestone! Loved your series of milestone life birds.

  11. To bardzo duże osiągniecie i szczerze gratuluję. Nie wszystkie zdjęcia są takie jak by się chciało, ale ptaki sa bardzo ruchliwe. Twoje zdjęcia są świetne. Pozdrawiam.
    This is a very big achievement and I sincerely congratulate. Not all images are the same as I had hoped, but the birds are very busy. Your photos are beautiful. Yours.

  12. Many congratulations on your 300 Chris! You picked a lovely selection here. I particularly like the colourful first photo and of course the lovely little Hummer. Here's to the next 300, I suspect it won't take too long with your tremendous enthusiasm and I know you'll have fun trying :-)

  13. Wonderful selection of bird shots. The one on top is amazing! Also love the close up on the header.

  14. Congrats on the 300! Very exciting! I'd blame it in Kathie too! Side note: I saw kiskadees in Buenos Aires! I was so excited to see them.

  15. Wow----300 lifebirds!!!!! That is awesome... I'm only at about 50 or so... I'm sure I've seen more --but I don't count them unless I get photos...I also just do Backyard Birds to my feeder---which limits me alot.. BUT--I have so many other interests that I don't have time to do more.

    When George and I got to about 500 waterfalls, we sorta quit counting.... But--there's a trillion more to see!!!!! ha

    Great photos... I love seeing your pictures and appreciate your help in naming my birds....


  16. The hawk is amazing and I love the yellow bird in the first shot.
    Congrats on your 300 mark!!

  17. I'm extremely impressed Chris. Not just with the total of birds, but for the fact that you managed to photograph all the 'index' birds so beautifully. Well done!

  18. Congratulations on number 300! Everyone enjoys birding in their own way and you seem to be having great fun racking up the numbers. Keep on going-the next 100 is going to be much tougher!

  19. Congrats on your 300, but don't blame poor Cathie you were there for the taking. LOL. Some great pics and and a good variety of birds in your pics above. Soon be at 400 at this rate of knots.

  20. Congrats Chris on reaching a major landmark. You have to watch out for that Kathie - leading you astray!!! :)

  21. Congratulations! You don't need to be apologetic about 'only' having 300 - celebrate your great achievement for what it is!! It'll be interesting to see how much easier (or more difficult) getting the next 300 is!

  22. LOVE the first and last shots particularly! Congratulations on the 300!

  23. Congratulations on 300 and more importantly, the journey you took to get there and what you saw along the way! :-) Excellent!

  24. Oh I just know I'm going to enjoy this series of posts Chris, love the small birds and their markings, but the hawks and eagles are just so impressive..

  25. Congrats on reaching 300 Chris! The Swainson's Hawk is a nice addition and a very nice Milestone bird! Now...onward to 400!

  26. P.S. I will GLADLY take the blame! and, I love that first shot!


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